Monday, April 27, 2009

Cane Or Not To Cane

Recently I watch NTV7 The Breakfast Show and the main topic that day was approve canning or disapprove canning.

They invited a chinese woman who is a children expert and 2 person from ministry of education I think.Not really sure,but they are kinda the higher-ups.

So,the children expert say that to banned canning,take it out from the education policy,dont cane the student.Better take a more "efficient" method like advicing and motivating and stuff.She also said that canning leave a marks,a damage to the student personality,some kind of trauma.This wont be healthy in nurturing an excellent student and individual.

While the other 2 guys are stressing more on the fact that a teacher can only cane a student when certain conditions are met.They also said that only a headmaster can cane a stusent and it must been done in his office,away from others witnessing the process.Well,that I never ever know in my entire-18-years-life.I thought all teacher have the "right" to cane their students.Nevertheless,its just a policy,just a rule written on a piece of unread paper.

But thats not the focus here.What I had in my mind is,is it relevent to practice canning.Canning is an extreme measures to educate students,yes,but thats what its actual role is.To face an extreme situation

Take it this way,if a normal,not-so-nice student make a mistakes,then advicing and consulting might have a impact,a effect.But what if the student is a super maliciously naughtly and bad,then I doubt advice leave any "scratch".

To break a small rock,we can use a small hammer,but if we are dealing with a big,huge rock,naturally we need to use a big and huge hammer.

Same goes with canning.Canning should be preserve in order to face a very extreme condition,an extreme attitude of an extreme student.Just like going for a war,we must have a god damn big gun in our arsenal, just in case an extreme condition arise,so that we can solve any crisis.

I also dont really agree about canning traumatize the student.Maybe it does to some students,but for me,I been cane for so i-cant-count-coz-its-too-many time,but I didnt despise the teacher.Because what I had in my mind is that,"I had made a mistakes,so I must be ready to face the consequences".Every action has its effect.You cant just shit in front of ur dad without having ur ass spank by him after that.

And if you know that the punishment might "traumatize" you,so dont ever commit the god damn mistakes,be a nice and dicipline student.I never agree with the "despise-teacher-when-they-punish-us-for-our-own-damn-mistakes" attitude.Pandai buat,pandai tanggung.Its your own shit.

There are also another issue,which is the teacher cane students for a very small,trivial mistakes.Too strict,too violent.So the canning should bear the blame??So burn the cane stick,then the "violent" teacher would be a very nice and sunshine-warm teacher??

This what just like the Malay's saying,"kerana nyamuk,kelambu dibakar".

I'm suprised,an expert would have the...brain to say such statement.If the teachers are too violent,then the teacher must be the main focus.Revise the education curiculum for the teacher.Make sure they have a stable emotion level.Educate them how to handle their anger and student's attitude,depends on either secondary school students or primary one.

Even if the canning is banned,then they would resort to something else to hit their students,maybe their 9-inch high heels,maybe their mascara,or maybe strangle them with their silk scarf or stinky socks.Those are worse than canning.

So,the moral is,when we face a problem,analyze and identified the main focus.The damn main focus.


  1. ak xde nk komen sal topic nih sgt..
    ak terkezut sbb tgk ank tulis blog cmne^^
    ad jgk bloglist ak yg berilmiah..ga3
    ayt2 yg mantop plak tuh..
    harap2 ank ble kekalkn ke-update-an nyo..
    wlpn connection kt u nnt slow mcm

  2. hehe
    visit2 la blog aku ekk??
    comment2 ke
    amat2 dihargai :P
